Saturday, May 24, 2008

Lazy, hazy days of spring time.

Wow. Gas prices just keep going up... and I hear the song from my childhood ring in my head. Jimmy Crack Corn . I can't say that I remember the last time I've driven my truck, oh wait, it was almost a week ago when I went to our softball game. I must be adding days onto my life. I can't remember a time when I've been so carefree. I often forget my cell phone and don't find it for the whole weekend. I don't think about work until I'm walking there. Often I will go to lunch around town and especially this week with the rain I would sit like this yellow retriever just watching people pass. This guy watches me go to work every day. Quite the "watch dog". He keeps track of those pesky squirles. I'll get mine... he's avoided me so far.. but the summer is young... he'll get his. And he must be talking to those doves. They can take their crap elsewhere, literally. Just get it off the deck. I don't care if it goes on the truck. Just get it off the deck.

A whole weekend with a tacked on "Monday" to follow. This will be the start of FUN. Yeah Clear Channel, how many "federal holiday" days do YOU have coming? And next weekend's the BEACH! Lots of fun!

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